Tata Pipes had been a pioneer in the manufacturing of pipes, specifically meant for plumbing applications. To meet the continually increasing demand for quality pipes in the plumbing and irrigation segment, significant improvements in the quality of pipes have been brought about through innovation in the pipe making and galvanizing process. Galvanized pipes are one of the most important elements in a plumbing set up. The pipes need to satisfy the specific characteristics during their intended usage, particularly with respect to ease of installation and water flow, long-term behavior with respect to corrosion resistance and longevity.
We manufacture Discharge Pipes, Condenser Pipes and Evaporator Pipes for cold storage application. They have an inherent capacity to withstand a wide span of working pressure and temperature.
Tata Pipes initiated the first of its kind offering for the fire-fighting segment in the form of Red Oxide Coated Pipes. It is extensively used in real estate project all over the country - residential, commercial or manufacturing sectors.
Low maintenance bulk material handling systems in places like coal handling plants, iron ore mines and other industries use Tata Pipes as Idlers. Superior quality Tata Pipes are extensively used as idlers for belt conveyors owing to their robust material properties.